Cookie Policy

A cookie is a small data file made up of letters and numbers which is placed by a website on the device you use to access the Internet. Cookies serve different purposes, and may be tied to personal information. At Orin Arcade, we use cookies to help deliver and improve our websites (such as,, and through information about website usage and settings, as described below. How we use cookies is governed by this Cookie Policy and by our Privacy Policy. You can always choose to delete your personal data with Orion Arcade by contacting us at any time through our contact form.

Third parties may place cookies on your device when you view advertisements — including Orion Arcade advertisements — on their websites, services, or applications. These cookies are governed by their respective company privacy policies. Orion Arcade encourages you to review the privacy statements and cookie policies of the third party websites, services, or applications so you can understand how they may collect, use, and share your information.

To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to block, manage, and delete them, please visit

Types of cookies

Session Cookies

These cookies are used to keep track of a user’s input when submitting online data and allow users to be recognized from one page or selection to another. We also use session cookies to provide information you’ve requested through an action, such as clicking a button or filling out a web form. Session cookies always expire after the browsing session is over.

Persistent Cookies

These cookies help websites remember your information, browsing history, and settings when you visit them in the future. This results in faster and more convenient access. Persistent cookies also help us to personalize and improve your experience. Persistent cookies stay in a folder on your device unless you delete them manually, or until they are automatically deleted based on the retention period of the cookie’s folder.

Required Cookies

LUO : Session Cookie
Enables user login and stores current session data.